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2 years warranty

As a customer at Tom Rossau A/S you have the right to complain about production defects within a two year period from the date of the purchase on presentation of a valid receipt.

This means that, according to the Danish Sale of Goods Act (købeloven), you may have repaired, replaced, get a refund or a price reduction depending upon the specific situation and provided the right to complain is legitimate.

It is a requirement that the complaint is justified and that the defect is not caused by incorrect use of the product or other injurious behavior.

You must complain within “reasonable time” after you have discovered the defect. If you complain within two months after the defect is discovered, the complaint will be timely.

The product must be sent to:

Tom Rossau A/S
Frederiksberg Allé 5
DK-1621 Copenhagen V